I have known Dr. Richard Viscarello since my early days as a postpartum and nursery nurse, where he was respected as the obstetrician who delivered healthy term babies to moms who have had difficulty getting or staying pregnant. That’s what he does, and he does it extraordinarily well.
I did two clinical rotations in his office when I was a nurse practitioner student at Columbia because I wanted to learn from the best. As a lactation consultant, I have worked with many of his patients, and these mothers have often had difficult obstetrical histories—miscarriages, stillbirths or infertility or health problems. Many have tried for years to have a child. He helps give these women healthy babies, and does so with attention and caring that has earned him a devoted following. To say that these mothers worship him is not an overstatement.
His office and staff cover all bases, and mothers are checked and rechecked to make sure that their pregnancy progresses well. Dr. Viscarello is also there for the difficult times with respect, compassion and honest caring. I have heard so many stories of his being there at a crucial time with the right words. Women don’t forget what he has done for them. He’s a good person.
It is sad that he is the victim of a malpractice lawsuit. I do not know the details of the case, although apparently the first trial ended in a hung jury. After being in perinatal medicine for 20 years, I do know that there is much that is not known about cerebral palsy, including when the damage occurs. I would trust my life and that of any member of my family with Dr. Viscarello. If he couldn’t help her deliver a healthy baby, no one could.